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Рефракторен телескоп. Апертура: 152 mm. Фокусно разстояние: 900 mm

Рефракторен телескоп
Оптична конструкция
Апертура – диаметър на лещата, която телескопът използва за събиране светлината или огледало
Фокусно разстояние – разстоянието от основните лещи или огледало до точката, в която се фокусира светлината

ИД на продукт 71101
Марка LUNT Solar Systems
Гаранция 2 години
EAN 0753215774272
Размер на опаковката (Д x Ш x В) 87x0x0 cm
Транспортно тегло 14 kg

Complete H-alpha solar telescope with 152mm aperture and <0.7 Angstrom bandwidth. With Feather Touch focuser, advanced air-pressure tuning system, and B1800 blocking filter. The large LS152THa is sure to provide a professional balance of resolution and performance!

The LS152THa/B1800 is a complete telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha, a precision aligned refractor with 152mm aperture (no central obstruction) and 900mm focal length. This large solar telescope is perfect for the ambitious solar observer!

If it's a perfect image you're after, the LS152THa provides a very large and high resolution image size. The 100% unobstructed system will perform to the highest level at both low and high magnifications. Utilizing both advanced hi-contrast coatings, and the advanced Doppler True Pressure Tuning system, the user will be able to experience crisp, sharp, high magnification visual images, as well as utilize this system for high-end digital imaging processes.

An internal Etalon with advanced air-pressure tuning system “Pressure Tuner” provides <0.7 Angstrom bandwidth. This “Pressure Tuner” system allows a more accurate Etalon adjustment than other systems. The “Pressure Tuner” system adapted the Etalon to varying altitudes and atmospheric pressures for always optimal performance. The Etalon is installed safely inside the telescope-tube.

Fine adjustment is achieved by a 2" Starlight Instruments Feather Touch focuser with 1.5" travel and 10:1 reduction.

Blocking-filter is the B1800. The B1800 is good for visual solar observing, and also for solar imaging by cameras with small or middle sized CCD chip. We recommend an LS152THa with B3400 blocking-filter by using cameras with very large CCD chip.

The star diagonal in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard for 1.25" eyepieces and with a T2 camera connection.

Also this large LS152THa telescope is upgradeable with the additional available DSII double-stack system. The optional DSII system is an internal double stack module with "Pressure Tuner", that provides a bandwidth <0.5 Angstrom. More details on the solar surface will become visible by reducing the bandwidth.


  • Bandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 Angstrom
  • Tuning: air-pressure tuning system
  • Blocking-filter: B1800 with 1.25" and T2 connection
  • Focuser: Starlight Instruments Feather Touch focuser with 10:1 reduction
  • Two tube rings with carrying handle
  • Dove tail bar with GP level for astronomical mounts

The kit includes:

  • Solar telescope
  • “Pressure Tuner” system
  • B1800 blocking-filter in star-diagonal
  • 2" Feather Touch focuser
  • Tube rings with dove tail bar
  • LUNT zoom eyepiece
  • Transport case
  • Instruction manual
ИД на продукт 71101
Марка LUNT Solar Systems
Гаранция 2 години
EAN 0753215774272
Размер на опаковката (Д x Ш x В) 87x0x0 cm
Транспортно тегло 14 kg
Оптична конструкция рефракторен телескоп
Диаметър на лещата на обектива (апертура), mm 152
Фокусно разстояние, mm 900
Фокусиращо устройство 2", 2-скоростно движение (10:1), 1.5" подвижна тръба (Feather Touch® на Starlight Instruments)
Блокиращ филтър B1800
Ширина на честотната лента, Ангстрьом <0.7
Режим на монтиране на оптичната тръба закрепващи пръстени, плоча „лястовича опашка“
Потребителско ниво опитни потребители
Наблюдаван обект Слънцето