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Рефракторен телескоп. Апертура: 80 mm. Фокусно разстояние: 560 mm

Рефракторен телескоп
Оптична конструкция
Апертура – диаметър на лещата, която телескопът използва за събиране светлината или огледало
Фокусно разстояние – разстоянието от основните лещи или огледало до точката, в която се фокусира светлината

ИД на продукт 70866
Марка LUNT Solar Systems
Гаранция 2 години
EAN 4007922035055
Транспортно тегло 13 kg
Оптична конструкция рефракторен телескоп

Complete H-alpha solar telescope with 80mm aperture, <0.7 Angstrom bandwidth, advanced air-pressure tuning system, B1200 blocking-filter, and Crayford focuser.

The LS80THa/B1200CPT is a complete telescope for observing the sun in H-alpha, a precision aligned ED refractor with 80mm aperture (no central obstruction) and 560mm focal length. An internal Etalon with advanced air-pressure tuning system “Pressure-Tuner” provides <0.7 Angstrom bandwidth. This “Pressure Tuner” system allows a more accurate Etalon adjustment than other systems. The “Pressure-Tuner” system adapted the Etalon to varying altitudes and atmospheric pressures for always optimal performance. The Etalon is installed safely inside the telescope-tube.
Fine adjustment is achieved with a Crayford style focuser with 10:1 reduction.

Blocking-filter is the B1200. The B1200 is good for visual solar observing. Also solar imaging is possible by cameras with small or middle sized CCD chip. We recommend a LS80THa with B1800 blocking-filter by using cameras with large CCD chips.
The star diagonal in which the blocking filter is installed, is equipped as standard for 1.25" eyepieces and with a T2 camera connection.

The telescope is upgradeable with the additional available DSII double-stack system. The optional DSII system is a internal double stack module with "Pressure Tuner", that provides a bandwidth <0.5 Angstrom. More details on the solar surface will become visible by reducing the bandwidth.


  • Aperture: 80mm (ED refractor, unobstructed)
  • Focal length: 560mm
  • Bandwidth: internal Etalon with <0.7 Angstrom
  • Tuning: air-pressure tuning system
  • Blocking-filter: B1200 with 1.25" and T2 connection
  • Focuser: Crayford-style with 10:1 reduction
  • Integrated 1/4"-20 tapped base (standard thread for photo-tripods)
  • Dove tail bar with GP level for astronomical mounts

The kit includes:

  • LS80THa H-alpha solar telescope
  • Pressure-Tuner system
  • B1200 blocking-filter in star-diagonal
  • 2" Crayford focuser
  • 1/4"-20 connection and dove tail bar
  • LUNT zoom eyepiece
  • Sol-Searcher
  • Transport case
  • Instruction manual
ИД на продукт 70866
Марка LUNT Solar Systems
Гаранция 2 години
EAN 4007922035055
Транспортно тегло 13 kg
Оптична конструкция рефракторен телескоп
Диаметър на главното огледало (апертура), mm 80
Фокусно разстояние, mm 560
Фокусиращо устройство 2", Крейфорд, 2-скоростно (1:10)
Блокиращ филтър B1200
Ширина на честотната лента, Ангстрьом <0.7
Потребителско ниво опитни потребители
Наблюдаван обект Слънцето
Торбичка/калъф/чанта в комплект калъф
Окуляри окуляр с променливо фокусно разстояние